Jordanhill S6 Fundraising for WSDCS 2024/2025

The S6 pupils at Jordanhill School have chosen WSDCS as their charity of choice for 2025!  They have been working tirelessly since the start of term by organising a series of fundraising events for the whole school.  This has included: Hallowe’en Disco, Dress Down Days, Santa Dash, and some pupils and staff even took on the challenge of a Half Marathon!  Well done, everyone!

We were invited by the school to deliver a Deaf Awareness session and one of our Deaf young people came along to teach them some basic British Sign Language.  They were signing superstars!

So far, Jordanhill School has raised an incredible amount – over £5000! We are so grateful to the pupils for choosing our charity.  This money will allow us to continue to help so many deaf children, young people and families!  A heartfelt thank you from the team at WSDCS.

If your school is interested in choosing our charity to raise funds for, please do get in touch.  


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